Happy Fall! As you know, we always enjoy sharing good news with our friends and cherished client family, so we want to take a moment to catch up with an ongoing story that has really captured the hearts of all of us! Last month, we wrote about Whitney and Nico and we received so much outpouring love for this family’s story, they sent an update on how he is progressing in school and we wanted to give an update. In case you missed our last letter, Little Nico was born with Downs Syndrome and several other serious complications and had to be taken away from a neglectful family… After falling into the adoption system, he was found by Whitney who immediately fell in love! He now has a loving family to call his own. She sent us this update recently on his progress, with a photo from his first day of school last month! So Sweet!  

“This was Nico on his first day of 1st grade. Thanks to all of your support he’s home and thriving! He’s loved beyond measure from both near and far and has already had experiences that otherwise would have never been possible. He enjoys animals, he loves movement (riding on the bike with me and swinging are some of his favorites), he likes tactile sensory input and is even beginning to demonstrate the very basics of communicating when he wants something (will occasionally pat me when he wants me to repeat an action). He’s taking a few independent steps (maybe 5) before grabbing something nearby for support or plopping down and he giggles so much more than he did a year ago! We are both happy and healthy and cannot thank you all enough for helping to make it happen. THANK YOU ~ Whitney

Nico & Whitney remind me of all the families in Colorado that are on their own adoption journeys. These families want to provide a loving and supportive home for children who desperately need one. Adoption plays a vital role in our community and with each introduction you give we donate a portion of our income to help support adopting families give children a forever home. With over 153 million orphans currently in the world, we feel a deep connection to changing this reality and know it is our responsibility to join the efforts of adoption services in Colorado so that everyone can adopt, regardless of their financial situation! 

Thank you,
Gaye Ribble

If you are thinking about moving, or if someone you know may be, please call or text 303-529-0697 and introduce us to them. Not only will they get the 5-star service that we are known for, but with every introduction you give, we donate to the families in Colorado that need help with their own adoption and other worthy causes because of the great work they do in our community. We want them to continue being a place filled with joy and healing.