Our market updates are the quickest way to stay up to date on the marketplace in your community! Whether you’re a current homeowner or a prospective one, you need to know what the market is doing so you can make the smartest decisions with your biggest asset. Take a look!


JULY 2024
Total # Homes Sold: 3,838
Avg. Sold Price: $510,624
Days on Market: 34

JULY 2023
Total # Homes Sold: 3,603
Avg. Sold Price: $473,470
Days on Market: 29

Sell Faster! Selling a home can be so stressful, especially when your home sits on the market. We sell our listings three times faster, which reduces stress for our clients and gets more money in their pockets. Curious about how quickly your home could sell? Call Us at 980-294-4523.

Your Price is Our Promise®. Your Home SOLD 100% of the Asking Price or We Will Pay You the Difference! Call us at 980-294-4523 or visit us HERE.