For over a hundred years, Christmas in America has gone hand-in-hand with thriving evergreen trees twinkling with lights and decor—we simply can’t imagine Christmas without those iconic greens displayed around the house! Whether or not your tree is a real spruce, pine, fir, or simply a plastic fabrication of one, this tradition of bringing these special greens indoors has been apart of human history for thousands of years, and it isn’t going anywhere. Although Christmas trees in America became popular in the 1870’s thanks to their German introduction in the 1830s, displaying evergreen foliage around homes in the winter dates back to pre-Christianity. Ancient Romans and Egyptians thought that plants that stayed green all year long were symbolic of everlasting life, and decorated their homes with them in the winter to ward off illness, evil spirits, and to celebrate the winter solstice. After the crazy year we’ve had full of hardship and sickness, perhaps those of us who are going “all-out” with Christmas decorations this year are actually onto something. Our ancient predecessors would have done the same and filled their homes with flourishing evergreens to ward off the tragedies and bring good luck to the upcoming year.

With that being said, if you haven’t already gotten your Christmas tree for this Holiday, we’ve compiled this last-minute list of places you can go cut down your own in true historic fashion.

1. Otterdale View Christmas Tree Farm: Union Bridge, Maryland
2. Clemsonville Christmas Tree Farm: Union Bridge, Maryland
3. Modlins’ Tree Farms: Lothian, Maryland
4. Showvaker’s Quality Evergreens: Manchester, Maryland
5. Wolfe’s Pine Valley Farm: Sykesville, Maryland
6. Hartland Farm: Markham, Virginia
7. Clouses’ Pine Hil Farm: Winchester, Virginia
8. Moose Apple Christmas Tree Farm: Berryville, Virginia
9. Snickers Gap Christmas Tree Farm: Round Hill, Virginia
10. Bees & Trees Farm: Elkwood, Virginia